Today, chronic disease is the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. It affects millions of individuals all through the country. The 2012 Center for Disease Control data indicates that half of all adults are afflicted with at least one chronic condition, and one-quarter suffers from two or more. So, coping with chronic disease is not impossible. 

Chronic disease accounts for most of our country’s healthcare costs. This results in a diminished quality of life for individuals and families. Many people bear extreme financial and emotional burdens as illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, lung disease, and Alzheimer’s take their toll.

how to cope with chronic disease

Photo source: Center for managing chronic disease
The number of people suffering from these conditions is on the rise. I have cared for people with chronic disease for 20 years. As an individual who suffers from chronic illness, I’ve seen its effects first-hand.

Coping with Chronic Disease

The primary barrier to overcome is the disease itself. Patients should gain the ability to cope and live with it. Since medical diagnosis often blinds people, they fall into psychological tailspins. Patients need to adapt from a physical, financial, and emotional standpoint.

1. Lifestyle Change

Coping with chronic diseases is usually the first step. It often involves lifestyle changes that are necessary after receiving a chronic disease diagnosis. Educating oneself about the condition is also essential. You can begin the initial phase by understanding what needs to occur moving forward. Consulting with a specialist is an excellent place to start. Bring a list of 5-10 targeted questions relating to the ailment to each doctor’s appointment. Ask for resources, and how to locate them. Brainstorm with the physician, family members, and potential caregivers.

2. Map Out an Action Plan

plan how to cope with chronic disease

Map out an action plan to learn how to perform as much self-care as possible. Remember to factor in current and prospective future limitations.  You can make some fundamental changes in the areas of nutrition and physical activity. Again, consult your physician and ask for a referral to a registered dietitian. Go to a supervised exercise program if one is available.
Moreover, adaptive equipment like walkers, braces may be necessary and helpful. Activities and tasks of daily living may also need to be evaluated and modified. Ask for physical or occupational therapies. Learn how to use assistive devices and receive regular training activities. Try to find enjoyable, realistic activities and incorporate them. Adjusting to new physical limitations may be more comfortable for some.

3. Coping Financially

financially plan how to cope with chronic disease

Financial coping methods are sometimes easier said than done. Healthcare for chronic disease is often expensive and can deplete monetary resources. This situation can be especially daunting for those on fixed incomes. For individuals who are employed, take advantage of healthcare savings or “Flex” plans offered by employers.
Find out if your employer has any charity program in which workers donate money or sick leave for others in need within the company. Ask members of the healthcare team about information on programs for prescription drug assistance and how to qualify.
Find out if a church or service organization would be willing to hold a benefit dinner to raise funds. An increasing number of people are exploring the option of medical tourism to help reduce costs. Several countries now offer top-rated health care services at facilities. Joint Commission International accredits these. The total costs for travel, accommodation, and treatment can reveal substantial savings. If costs are mounting, find out if the healthcare facility offers payment plans, or has a financial counselor to whom you can speak.
Let’s look at some tips that can help you cope with a chronic disease;

4. Coping with Chronic Disease Emotionally

The overall toll of physical and economic changes and challenges can put enormous strain on a person’s emotional health. For many individuals, finding ways to manage emotionally presents the biggest challenge. Emotional health can often be the most sizable aspect of care that gets overlooked. Knowing that the condition isn’t going away anytime soon can be confusing, frustrating, and deflating.

Above all, know this: each person’s feelings are normal. Each owns them, and they aren’t wrong regardless of others’ opinions. Having the reassurance of the medical team, family, and friends will be crucial. Sometimes, people need someone to listen as they sort through their feelings. Having someone who can be emotionally present during these times can help immeasurably.

5. Support Groups

If you need more support, you should consider joining a support group or chronic disease support groups. Many are disease-specific and allow attendees the chance to connect to tell their stories. You can learn successful strategies and tips from peers and receive education about their illness.

Churches can also be a steady source of assistance. Therefore you should probably go to a hospitable community church for support. Other church members can help share the load of physical tasks and provide much-needed empathy to the individual and their caregivers.

Clergy professionals are often trained in counseling and can offer a confidential listening ear. If you need professional help including coping with chronic disease, mental health professionals can help you work through your issues. For those who don’t feel comfortable talking through their feelings, blogging may be an avenue to off-load worries and concerns.

6. Socialize with People

Isolation is a severe situation when dealing with chronic disease. Spend time socializing with others and maintain or develop new connections as able. Identify and follow through on opportunities to regularly get out of the home environment. Develop a daily or weekly structure or routine to allow for quiet time and avoid spending much time to think and worry.

Final Thoughts

Sometimes, it can be frightening and disorienting when you have a chronic disease or have a family member suffering from one.  Ongoing illness adds to everyday challenges we already face. Learning to cope well can be the ultimate obstacle for many of us. The inability to cope frequently stems from being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of changes that need to be made. When making any change, you should choose something that will be easy to do and start there.

Therefore, once the change has been implemented and is successful, you should choose something else. Then, try to use the success of the first change as a building block for making the next one. Take a holistic approach to cope and address each of the three areas. Make an effort to connect with others who have the same condition and are fighting the same battle.

Also, you should show gratitude to those who have been involved in walking with you on your journey. Don’t be afraid to give up control to others who offer help. If possible, volunteer to assist or mentor others who are beginning their journey – serve as a resource.

Coping with chronic disease and drawing strength from your successes and your relationships is important. Remember to celebrate small victories and fight to persevere through defeats. Finally, you should be kind to yourself; forgive yourself and others for failures. Concentrate on developing realistic expectations of life. Remember that you are a person of value and protect yourself against becoming the disease.